Psychic Readings

All future events come from our present thoughts. Janice's readings are conducted on a deep soul level aimed at helping the client onto the right path for their destiny and to help with their choices. Everyone is free in choice so all readings are aimed at guiding.


Bookings for multiple people are fine but all readings are delivered on a one on one basis to give you the best possible session.

I do not read for children under 16.

Please do not bring your children to your reading.


Different types of readings are available or a combination.

Complete confidentiality and discretion is always followed.


An initial visit generally requires a 60 minute session, subsequent visits are usually 45 minutes.



Payments for readings are made by cash or bank transfer.



$65 (AUD) for 30 mins

$100 (AUD) for 45 mins.

$122 (AUD) for 60 mins.

Payment via Bank Transfer can be arranged with Janice prior to your session.

If overseas payments can be made via Paypal.



Monday to Friday - 8am to 5.30 pm 

Saturday - 8am to 1pm.


BOOKINGS: Text or phone 0402139146 or email


Please note that all types of readings are subject to a waiting time to be able to get in for an appointment. If you need a Saturday or 5pm appointment please mention it when booking.

Please note - Due to the volume of people requiring a Saturday  appointment  you need to book in advance.


Clairvoyant Energy Readings

Janice tunes into the client's energy field to give a reading on a soul level. This will help with what direction they should be heading in, soul purpose, relationships, careers and areas that may be blocked and why.


She works with the masters who work with her visually (clairvoyantly), hearing/listening  (clairaudient), and sensing (clairsentience) to give messages relevant to each client. These readings can be helpful for career, relationships, health and life changes in general.


Numerology Readings

Numbers are the blueprint of our soul. Numerology is used in conjunction with other readings. Birth numbers are examined to show your personal life number, compatibilities with others, personality traits, suited career choices and life cycles that may be influencing you at this time.


Mediumship Readings

Contact is made with relatives who have passed over. Information is provided by loved ones to verify who they are and relevant messages are given from them. A photo or object of the passed person can be brought to the reading which helps Janice to connect with that person. It is best to wait 3 months after that person has passed before coming for a mediumship reading.


Pet Readings

Janice is often asked about animal contact. Yes your pets that have passed on are able to be contacted. A photo of your pet is necessary for this type of reading. Psychic Energy can also apply to problems with pets that are living and can help tap into their energy to find a solution.


Channeled Readings

Janice is a channel for the masters and during a channeled reading the guides will talk with you about your spiritual journey and any understanding you may need to help you. These types of readings are incredibly beautiful but more for spiritual guidance than clairvoyance.


Skype, Facetime, Zoom or Email Readings

Skype, Zoom, Facetime and Email readings are available globally. Other options if not available to come in person is:  whats app and fb messeger. These are a great alternative. Payment is required prior to the reading via bank transfer or paypal. 

Contact Janice for payment details. Bookings are required.


For email readings please include photos, birthdates and a list of questions (limit of 10).

Payments are made by bank transfer or Paypal.

 Paypal payments incur a $5 fee.



$100 (AUD) for 45 minutes

$122 (AUD) for 1 hour.


Please email for details.








0402 139 146