2025 is a 9 in numerology.
This is a number about endings and changes.
You will find that circumstances change around you and this will lead to awakenings ,
This can be work, relationships ,lifestyle ,friends or just changing the way you think. Anything that is not right for your soul.
You may find yourself throwing out old things. De cluterring your cupboards.
These are signs you are ready to move forward.
We can't move forward and not make changes.
Listen to your heart energy about what you need to do or change.
It is always about moving to the best thing for you.
2024 is a powerful year connecting you with your own personal power.
It is an 8 in numerology which is a soul number.
This year you will get the urge to think deeply about what you are wanting to do.
Not what you are expected to do but what is within your hearts desire.
You may get the urge to think about your own soul energy and looking for a more peaceful life and things that will bring that peace.
Maybe volunteering or getting involved in a charity or organisation.
There are massive changes occurring early in the year which will bring massive personal changes to you and globally.
This change is about freedom so will also affect governments and organisations eventually.
Make this year to manifest the life you desire.
If you are not on the right path or right relationship, work you will get a big shake up.
Listen to your hearts.
We are all probably glad to see the back of 2022.
A challenging year for most.
2023 is a practical year to get on with plans or prepare, sort, clear and make significant changes in2024.
There are things happening already that you have no control over in early 2023.Not bad things just changes that need to happen.
Emphasis on health, making improvements to diet or starting a fitness regime or just finding balance in your life
between body, mind and soul.
Its a good idea to sage your house as an end to the year clearing.
Set intentions for the coming year.
2023is going to be a kinder year for us.
Events will still happen but in general we are able to handle them better.
This is the year to think slowly before moving into anything big.
Dosent mean you should not do big things but tread carefully.
Enjoy and blessings
July is here.
In numerology this is a 7.
This is a number of practically and experiences.
Time to look at things from a practical point of view.
Looking at things one at a time and step by step.
This is the month for solutions. Not necessarily movement but putting things in order.
7 is considered lucky by some cultures but in my numerology it is life lessons.
I like to approach July by keeping body, mind ,soul in check.
Sit back slightly and ride the wave.
Look and release what needs to go.
Look for fun activities you love, adventures are favourable.
I also approach with the thought of July, sit quietly and don't give me any trouble.
April is upon us.
In numerology this is a four.
Four is an action number so this is the month for movement.
March may have been a month of thinking and planning but now is the time to put these into action.
Perhaps you have had stagnancy and this is likely to change.
Remembering that nothing will happen unless you take action to change.
This may be the month to look at physically moving your body.
Perhaps a new healthy regime or find time to exercise.
Maybe planning a hiking or adventure holiday.
Whatever you have been thinking about now is the green light to start
Big Energetic shifts are occurring right now.
Next Tuesday is the 22.2.2022
22 is a spiritual master so this date is very significant.
You can probably feel it already.
There area lot of people passing or having health issues.
Lots of pregnancies.
Lots of massive changes coming on suddenly.
Keep everything to the moment as in deal with things one day at a time. If you look too far ahead it will get you depressed or stressed.
Look after body ,mind, soul.
Eat well, book into a healer.
What is occurring now will lead to bigger changes later this year.
The seeds are being planted right now.
Be careful, be kind.
Know whatever is occurring is as it is meant to be.
Find the time to quieten your head.