Janice is a channel for many spiritual masters and brings through information from them to help us on our spiritual path. She works predominantly with Pleiadians, Arcturians and other galactic masters. The information is relevant to what is happening in the world and how we can alter our vibrational energy to connect with our higher self for self mastery.
This is a relatively small and personal evening that resonates at a high level.
These evening are always peaceful, humbling and healing.
Janice has been running this circle for over fifteen years.
The circle commences with a guided meditation and then a channeling through Janice. This is followed by an interactive healing where members are either paired with a partner or a larger group healing is facilitated by Janice. During the healing psychic messages are passed on from Janice and other group members.
The circle content is flexible and the structure may vary each fortnight. It is suitable for people at all levels from medium to very advanced. The evening is followed by refreshments.
DAY of WEEK: Wednesday (fortnightly)
TIME: 6.45pm to 8.15pm
VENUE: CARINA, address will be provided on booking.
BOOKINGS: Bookings are essential as numbers are strictly limited.
COST: $25
Zoom available.$20