Full Moon 31 January
This is a super full moon as well as a lunar eclipse.
Well lets not panic.
Full moons bring up extra emotion,even eratic behaviour, crazy dreams,
The lunar eclipse is going to magnify this.
Know that it is a clearing . As you are prewarned it may affect you this way, make sure you listen to yourself and rest if necessary.Stop yourself from erupting or at least have the knowng that
your moods are being influenced by this massive energy.
If you are around people behaving crazy or emotional, more than usual don't respond back as you want to.
You may focus on family, home and relationships during this time and what is important to you.
This moons energy is simply helping us to shift our way of thinking so we can operate from a higher way of thinking and being.
There are quite a few eclipses this year so be ready for big changes in your life.